Here are some ideas
There are no good... (flyer)
10 Things (flyer)
No pro-life (flyer)
Indoctrination (flyer)
Illegal aliens (flyer)

The Democrat and Republican parties spend hundreds of millions of dollars on congressional and presidential elections.  In the 2020 presidential election alone more than 14 billion was spent and billions more were spent on congressional races. 

While the Republican party in its present form is nearly useless it is the home of the few remaining constitutionalist patriots in government.  Electing the largest possible number of Republicans is the only way to stem the destructive tide. 

Much of that money is wasted even by the winning parties.  Perhaps this might give an advantage to the right party - a massive on-the-ground campaign that targets individual voters in massive numbers and costs by comparison almost nothing.  The cost to implement would be at most a handful of millions even in a large blue state.  Television commercials and Internet advertising are ephemeral and often avoided by the targets while paper remains and is passed from one person to another. 

Much of the work can be done by volunteers and even paid distributors would cost little.  Master copies of flyers (mostly one page) can be distributed quickly to regional leaders and duplicated in quantity in the targeted area.  Like this: